WP1 – Define project mng structures and action plan
1.1. Kick off meeting
1.2. Establish the project mng structures
1.3. Validate the work plan
WP2 – Develop new teaching and mentoring methodologies that enhance students’ research skills
2.1. Training workshop on teaching methodologies
2.2. Training workshop on mentoring research students
2.3. Publish guideline for research mentoring
2.4. Validation of new methodologies by students’ evaluation
WP3 – Enhance staff capacity for research
3.1. Training workshop on publishing, IPR, ethics
3.2. Training workshop on research mng
3.3. Publish Manuals on project writing and project mng
3.4. Promote Gender Equality in Research and Innovation
3.5. Adopt Research Quality Indicators
WP 4 – Develop Institutional Capacities for Research
4.1. Establish / Strengthen RISS
4.2. Training of RISS staff (3 training workshops)
4.3. Develop RISS regulation, job description, strategy and action plans
4.4.Operationalization of RISS
4.5 Equipment Purchase
WP5 – Establish Network of Research Excellence
5.1. Establish a roadmap for the network
5.2. Develop a calendar of activities
5.3. Develop local and international linkages through interdisciplinary research groups
5.4. Develop a virtual platform
WP6 – Quality Monitoring and Control
6.1. Develop a quality action plan
6.2. Subcontract an external expert
6.3.Mid-term monitoring reports and recommendations
6.4. Final quality report
WP7 – Dissemination and Exploitation
7.1. Dissemination Strategy
7.2. Dissemination Products
7.3. National info days
7.4. Final Project conference
7.5. Dissemination report (interim and final)
WP8 – Project Management
8.1 Day to day mng of the project
8.2. Mid-Term reporting
8.3. External Evaluation and Audit
8.4 Final Reporting
WP9 – Sustainability
9.1. Develop the methodology for the sustainability strategy
9.2. Sustainability Plan for RISS
9.3. Sustainability plan for online network