
Hamburg University of Technology

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is the entrepreneurial research university founded in 1978 in Hamburg, Germany. TUHH offers 14 Bachelor of Science programmes and 27 Master of Science programmes, comprises 74 institutes and 9 research centres. The university applies the problem-based learning and application-oriented approach in education and research through interdisciplinary cooperation and intensive collaboration with manufacturers, service providers, high-tech companies and public authorities. The Institute of Business Logistics and General Management of the TUHH (LogU TUHH) is one of the largest logistics university institutes in Germany. At the forefront of engineering and economics, the institute carries out research and education in various areas such as transportation, logistics and supply chain management. The research of the LogU TUHH focuses on security, risk management, IT systems and infrastructures in logistics, technology and process innovations in logistics, trainings and teaching.

The role of the LogU TUHH in the DRIVE project promises to be very significant. The university will contribute to all relevant project activities according to its expertise and experience by strengthening research and innovation capabilities in Albania and Kosovo. LogU TIHH will lead WP9 (Sustainability of the project results).

Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Blecker

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

Institute of Business Logistics and General Management (LogU TUHH)

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4, 21073 Hamburg, Germany

https://www.logu.tuhh.de; https://www.tuhh.de