Project Team
Polis University
University profile:
POLIS University (U_POLIS) is a young, yet ambitious institution, research-led university, supporting a focused range of core disciplines in the field of architecture, design, civil engineering, urban planning and environmental management. U_POLIS delivers education by the highest academic standards and through applied and scientific research it develops and promotes “scientific excellence and innovation”. The university is comprised by 3 main units: Faculty of Research and Development, Faculty of Architecture and Design and Faculty of Planning, Environment and Urban Management.
Through its dedicated research departments and centres as well as inter-departmental units (Department of Scientific Research, Department of Applied Research, Sustainability_LAB, MAD_Centre, Observatory of Mediterranean Basin and Innovation Factory), POLIS seeks to conduct and deliver relevant research with a particular focus on the Albanian, and regional context, acting also as a regional hub in the Western Balkans for students, academics and national and international professionals.
POLIS has an extensive network of domestic and foreign partners and very internationally oriented. The university has signed the Bologna’s Magna Charta Universitatum and has several affiliations and partnerships including the EAAE, AESOP, ECLAS, several universities of the EU, a joint Master Degree Diploma with IHS/ Erasmus Rotterdam, a joint MBA with Ipag Business School, Paris and a double degree PhD Program, with Ferrara University in Italy.
Given its expertise and experience, U_POLIS can confidently enter into partnerships be it of a national and international nature and ensure the successful implementation of projects. In fact, U_POLIS has been participating in several national and international projects, including H2020, Erasmus+ and Tempus projects. It is also the first and only Albanian HEI by far to manage a Tempus project as the grant holder.
Role in the project:
U_POLIS is in charge of the general management and overall coordination of the project thus responsible for the WP8 Management of the Project. It will furthermore coordinate the activities in Work Package 4 “Develop Institutional Capacities for Research” and co-lead of the Work Package 1 “Preparation” together with the University of Gjakova. It will also support the tasks in other packages as well. In its position as the applicant institution, U_POLIS will establish and maintain a close and transparent communication with all the partner institutions, ensuring to the best of its capacities the successful implementation of the project.
Flora Krasniqi:
PhD cand. on Economic Sciences; International University of Struga; MSc. Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Environment, 2013; MSc. University of Tirana; Philology Faculty, Journalism Department, 2001; MSc. Agriculture University of Tirana; Faculty of Forestry, title: Forestry Engineer, 1998
Flora Krasniqi is Head of International Unit and Projects at Polis University.
She has coordinated: Tempus Projects: Developing and Adapting Professional Programs for Energy Efficiency in the Western Balkans/DAPEEWB 543782-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AL-TEMPUS JPCR; Connecting Science Society Collaboration Network for Sustainable Development/ CONSUS 543742- TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AT-TEMPUS-JPHES; Coordinator of Erasmus+ Projects: GRaduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania/GRADUA)/ 585961-EPP-1-2017-1-AL-EPPKA-CBHE-SP; Developing and Improving Research and Innovation Capacities in Albania and Kosovo/ DRIVE/ 610307-EPP-1-20191-AL-EPPKA-CBHE-JP; Accelerating Western Balkans University Modernization by Introducing Virtual Technologies/ Vtech&WBUni 610281-EPP-1-20191-AL-EPPKA-CBHE-JP; Project Coordinator for: “Creative Academy” project coordinated by SOVVA, Slovakia; Project Coordinator of the first Energy Community Summer School; Project Coordinator of “YES/ Youth employment skills” EU funded project; Project Coordinator of Innovation Challenge Project, EU funded project: Establishing a FabLab: An Open Space to Co-Innovate
The main duties: writing, management and reporting for National and International Projects such as Erasmus +, Horizon 2020 etc. coordinator for research and development;
Academic Interest: Lecturer on “Research Methods”. “Project Cycle Management”; Author and Co- author of many publications
Elona Karafili:
PhD, POLIS University / Ferrara University, focused on “Cluster Policies in CEE Countries”. MSc. POLIS University, Master of Second Level , Housing and Land Development, 2012; MSc. Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Holland, 2007; MSc. University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics, 2006
ElonaKarafili, is a qualified professional in the field of urban economics and finance, with varied experience portfolio, including several managerial positions. She has actively participated in a number of national and international conferences and seminars. She has a solid background in project management, counting a number of Erasmus+ KA 1, Erasmus+ KA2 and Horizon2020 projects Elona has a 12-year experience as lecturer and researcher. She is a lecturer at POLIS University, where she works as full time academic staff since 2007. She has also been the Head of Internal Quality Assurance Unit .Currently, Elona holds the position of the Vice-Rector of POLIS University. Academic Interest: Urban Economics; City Marketing; Publications: Karafili, E.; Bregasi, L. (2017); “Cluster Policies as an Instrument for Evolutionary Planning”, Urbanistica Dossier, Monographic Journal, INU – IstitutoNazionale di Urbanistica, ISBN 978-88-7603-174-8, pp 165-172; Nientied, P.; Karafili, E. (2016); “Towards a Pragmatic Perspective on Business Innovation in Western Balkan Countries: The Case of Albania”, International Journal of Business and Management, Canadian Center of Science and Education, DOI:; Karafili, E.; Marku, E. (2015) Identities of a Peri-Urban Habitat; The potential for agricultural cluster development in Tirana Book of Proceedings of AESOP 2015 Congress “Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility”, ISBN 978-80-01-05782-7, Prague, pp 1975 – 1985; Karafili E. (2015). “Agricultural Cluster Development in Peri-Urban Areas” In POLIS University – University of Ferrara, Albania’s New Sustainable Image – Branding Tirana-Durres Corridor (pp. 82-87). Tirana.
Skënder Luarasi:
Skender Luarasi is an architect and writer. His research investigates the relationship between architecture and geometry. His PhD dissertation focuses on how design processes end, and how the question of finitude intersects with style, geometry and parametricism in history. Luarasi has presented his research in numerous ACSA conferences, and has published in Haecceity, A+P Forum, and other Journals. Skender Luarasi holds a Doctor in Philosophy from the Yale School of Architecture, a Master of Architecture from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor Degree in Architecture from Wentworth Institute of Technology. He has taught at the Yale School of Architecture, the Department of Interior Architecture at Rhode Island School of Design, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston Architectural College, the Architecture + Design Program at University of Massachusetts Amherst, the School of Architecture at Washington State University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has worked as a designer for dEcoi architects/MIT Digital Design Group, Kennedy & Violich Architects Ltd and Finegold + Alexander Associates Inc.
Contact person:
PhD*. Eng. Flora Krasniqi
Head of International Unit and Projects/ Lecturer
Universiteti POLIS
Shkolla Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban
International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies
Rr. Bylis 12, Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km 5, Kashar
Kodi Postar 1051, Kutia Postare 2995, Tirana, Albania.
Tel:+ 355 (0) 4 240 74 20 / 240 74 21; Fax:+ 355(0) 4 240 74 22
Cel:+ 355 69 8418177
E-mail: [email protected]
University official website:
European University of Tirana
European University of Tirana is a leading university and research centre in Albania, established in full compliance with the criteria of the Bologna Charter, offering study programmes in three cycles: bachelor; master and PhD. UET engages in high quality teaching and research as well as exchange programmes and capacity building projects with local and international partners in the following disciplines: social sciences, humanities, environmental sciences, complex systems, information technology and engineering, agricultural sciences and health sciences. UET is particularly interested in the link between study programmes, research and labour market as well as the community. As such, UET has established the Labour Market Boards for each department which are composed of highly qualified professionals from the public sector, business and various relevant CSOs working to promote common interests. UET has a pool of highly qualified researchers, lecturers and project managers and it works closely with a well-established network of higher education institutions, businesses, research institutes and other stakeholders. UET pays particular importance to its strategic communication, visibility of actions, dissemination of information, knowledge-sharing and exchange of experiences and know-how.
UET Mission
UET engages in high quality teaching and research as well as exchange programmes and capacity building projects and joint initiatives with local and international partners in the following major disciplines: law, social sciences, political sciences and economy and information technology. UET has a pool of highly qualified lecturers, researchers, scholars and project managers. It encourages a culture of knowledge-sharing, openness and horizontal linkages between HEIs, CSOs, research centres, private sector, governmental organizations and relevant stakeholders.
UET maintains its commitment to impact the society at large in Albania and seeks to have a regional contribution too. To do so, UET pays particular importance to its strategic communication, visibility of actions and dissemination of information.
Role of the University in this project
European University of Tirana will lead the work package Dissemination and Exploitation.
UET will provide information, support and guidance to all interested applicants and institutions regarding its field of studies, programmes, research tracks and projects. It will facilitate the matching applicants and UET staff for exchange programmes and research stay. It will participate in all related activities of the project and will make sure to promote the project not only to the UET community of students and staff, but to the wider higher education context in Albania. The Erasmus+ CBHE DRIVE project goes in line with the research strategy goals of UET, which emphasize the focus on innovative research and increase of research excellence in UET and Albania. UET research unit will conduct periodical project presentation during PhD seminars (local and international).
Staff involved in the project:
Kebjana Haka is Project Manager of the Office for Project Development and Partnership in the European University of Tirana. She has received a master’s degree in Governance and Public Administration from the Albanian University in Albania and she earned a Bachelor of Philosophy-Sociology in Social Sciences from the University of Tirana. Since 2013, she has been involved in the management of several projects related to regional cooperation, the European Union and good-governance issues. Ms. Haka has an extensive working experience in project cycle management with a focus on developing, monitoring, evaluation, assessment of institutional performance indicators and as well as in assisting local governance units and local communities. For over five years, Haka has held the position of senior expert on IPA CBC and Transnational Cooperation Programs at the Ministry of European Integration in Albania. Subsequently, she was appointed Project Manager of Technical Assistance projects in the Ministry of European Integration, financed by the European Union. Ms. Haka is also the Executive Director of UET Centre, as from 2019.
Vice Rector for Academic Process and Scientific Research – Prof. Dr. Drita Kruja
Prof. Dr. Drita Kruja has 23-years of academic career in Higher Education Institutions in Albania and abroad, where she has held several leading positions such as: Vice-Rector, Head of the University Administration Board, Dean, Head of Department, Head of the award committee for “Doctor” degree, etc.
She has completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tirana. She has research and teaching experience in many international academic institutions such as the University of Bologna and Florence in Italy; Roskilde University of Social Sciences in Denmark; University of Applied Sciences in Bocholt and Eberswalde in Germany; Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain; University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic; Corvinus and Obuda University in Budapest, Hungary; University of Maribor in Slovenia; Sandhills Community College; University of Pembroke, Central Carolina University, East Carolina University, USA, etc.
As a member and leader of research teams, Prof. Dr. Kruja has participated in many research projects locally, nationally and internationally. Prof. Dr. Kruja has published as a sole and co-author three university texts, four book chapters published by Routledge, as well as many scientific articles with impact factor.
Contact Person
Kebjana Haka
E-mail: [email protected]
University official website
Polytechnic University of Tirana
University profile:
Polytechnic University of Tirana is a public academic institution and the only Polytechnic University in Albania. It has been founded in 1951 under the name of Higher Polytechnic Institute. It is located in Tirana, the capital of Albania. PUT nowadays provides study programmes in the three study cycles and it is composed of 7 Faculties and 1 Institute. Polytechnic University of Tirana, in all main units and base units (departments), has records of partnership agreements with foreign higher education institutions through participation in scientific research projects with foreign universities. It aims the expansion of cooperation and improvement of scientific research results quality. We have received financial support from several EU Grants like: Horizon 2020, EC COST / COST NESUS, Erasmus Mundus (Euroweb+), Erasmus FETCH, and KA1 Erasmus + Programme with many European countries.
Polytechnic University of Tirana has national collaboration agreements with many partners such as institutions or faculties according to the respective agreements on study programmes and scientific research for their improvement and adaptation with the needs of the labour market in Albania. Being part of many international projects, Polytechnic University of Tirana itself has a series of agreements with international counterpart institutions in accordance with the national and international format.
Role in the project:
Polytechnic University of Tirana is the lead partner of work package no.2: Development; “Develop new teaching and mentoring methodologies that enhance students’ research skills” together with the Aalborg University.
In order to achieve it, all partners will participate at this development work but the division of tasks varies. The lead partners will share tasks between them, even though all tasks will follow a linear pattern: Workshops, Study visits, Reflective seminar and Virtual seminars.
Polytechnic University of Tirana will support also all the tasks from the other packages in order to meet the objectives of the project.
Staff involved in the project:
Ph.D. Alma Afezolli
Graduated as Construction Engineer (1991) and later on postgraduate studies in Traffic Engineering (1994/95 in Polytechnic of Tirana). Master in Construction Engineering (2007) at Civil Engineering Faculty, PUT for “Some important recommendations for one level intersection’s design and Doctor of Science in Construction Engineering 2013, (Polytechnic of Tirana), for the “Traffic and Safety Control at Road Intersections, the Comparison of Performance between a level Traffic-Lights and Roundabout Intersections”.
She has 24-years of experience in teaching process as lecturer near the Construction and Transport Infrastructure Department: Lecturer of ‘Transport Systems and Networks, ‘Railways Constructions’, etc, courses at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana.
She has been involved in several projects, some of them international, “TEMPUS” Programme 1995, near the Structural Engineering Department of the Polytechnic University of Milano; TEMPUS” Jeep 1997-1999 Programme, near the “Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussess” of Paris; Jep Programme “TEMPUS” 2006, near the Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy.
She has participated in national and international workshops, seminars, conferences, with presentations in the area of Transport Research, quality management transport systems and networks. She is also author of several publications and a monograph.
She is the actual project coordinator of PUT, for all of Erasmus+ KA1, Erasmus+ KA2, Erasmus Mundus, BE projects.
Prof.Asoc. Elfrida SHEHU
Graduated as Construction Engineer (1992) and later on postgraduate studies in Real Estate and Property Evaluation (1994/95 in Polytechnic of Tirana). Master in Construction Engineering (2007) at Civil Engineering Faculty, PUT. Doctor of Science in Construction Engineering 2013 (Polytechnic of Tirana). `Associated Professor’ academic title (2015).
Current Vice-Rector of Polytechnic University of Tirana,Albania Lecturer of ‘Valuation and Legislation’, ‘Urban Economics’, `Construction elements and Real Estate Valuation’ courses at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tiran (2008/16). Guest lecturer at the Polis University (2012-2015); Epoca University (2013-2016), Economic Chamber of Kosova (2014-2015).
She has 23-years’ experience in teaching and valuation practice. Her practice activity and scientific research have been oriented towards real estate valuation. Participant in many international conferences, events and networks, including Network of Universities from Capitals of Europe, UNICA. She is author of several publications, scientific articles, one monography, etc. She is a member of the Senate of the Polytechnic University of Tirana, Vice-chairman of the State Commission of Licenses of Real Estate Appraisers, Director of the Postgraduate Course of the Real Estate Valuation, member of the working group for drafting the National Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation for the period 2017-2022 and member of the working group on Institutional Reform of Scientific Research System in the Republic of Albania.
She has a background as project coordinator, counting a number of Erasmus+ KA 1, Erasmus+ KA2, Erasmus Mundus, etc.
Prof.Asoc. Elinda Mece
Elinda Mece is the Head of Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Information Technology, PUT, since 2012. She is an Associate Professor, holds a PhD in Computer Engineering and a degree in Electronics Engineering. Her fields of research interests involve Object Oriented Programming, Software Testing, Software Engineering and Compilers. Her professional experience was gained at some of well-known universities in Germany and Italy. She has participated in several international projects supported by DAAD, HORIZON 2020, Erasmus and Tempus. She has published several papers in referred journals and international conference proceedings.
PhD. Enida SHEME
Enida Sheme is a full-time lecturer at Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Information Technology, Polytechnic University of Tirana. She has been teaching for 7 years at our Faculty and holds a PhD degree in Computer Engineering. Enida has been granted three research visits through different Erasmus programs to “Abo Akademi” University, Turku, Finland and “Paul Sabatier” University, Toulouse, France. She has published many papers as a result, in well-known international conferences and journals. Her research interests focus on cloud computing and green ICT.
Contact person:
PhD. Alma Afezolli
Head of International Relations Units near Scientific Research Office
Polytechnic University of Tirana
“Mother Teresa” Square, No.4, Tirana, Albania
Tel:+ 355 (0) 4 222 7914
Cel:+ 355 69 40 46 450
E-mail: [email protected]
Official Website:
Hamburg University of Technology
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is the entrepreneurial research university founded in 1978 in Hamburg, Germany. TUHH offers 14 Bachelor of Science programmes and 27 Master of Science programmes, comprises 74 institutes and 9 research centres. The university applies the problem-based learning and application-oriented approach in education and research through interdisciplinary cooperation and intensive collaboration with manufacturers, service providers, high-tech companies and public authorities. The Institute of Business Logistics and General Management of the TUHH (LogU TUHH) is one of the largest logistics university institutes in Germany. At the forefront of engineering and economics, the institute carries out research and education in various areas such as transportation, logistics and supply chain management. The research of the LogU TUHH focuses on security, risk management, IT systems and infrastructures in logistics, technology and process innovations in logistics, trainings and teaching.
The role of the LogU TUHH in the DRIVE project promises to be very significant. The university will contribute to all relevant project activities according to its expertise and experience by strengthening research and innovation capabilities in Albania and Kosovo. LogU TIHH will lead WP9 (Sustainability of the project results).
Contact person:
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Blecker
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Institute of Business Logistics and General Management (LogU TUHH)
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4, 21073 Hamburg, Germany;
UGJFA part in Project
There is a need for support in advancing research methodologies, research productivity, fostering development of innovations and boosting mechanisms for transfer of technology, also recognized in the latest university reports during accreditation process. Also, it has shown will and commitment to improve management and operation by learning from EU best practices in the frame of international supported projects and actions.
Our needs are:
- improve and increase the capacity for research and development;
- Increase quality assurance for research;
- learn from best practices in international cooperation;
- Improve the international cooperation between Kosovo and foreign universities, ;
- Strengthen joint research and implement other projects in the future.
UGJFA will co-coordinate the first work package together with POLIS University. UGJFA will be involved in all the foreseen trainings for staff, researchers, management. Another important activity will be the establishment of the Research and Innovation Support Structure within the University as well as the network with local and international stakeholders. Additionally UGJFA will play an active role for the dissemination of the project.
Prof. Artan Nimani PhD
Prof. Artan Nimani PhD is Rector of University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agan”. He obtained his Bachelor degree at the Faculty of Economics, University of Prishtina where he did his master too. He did do his PhD studies at European University of Tirana. He has a long career in Education when he started working part time at university year 2004 and same time working at Ministry of Internal Affairs as high officer for intelligent financial analyses. From 2007 he does work full time in Higher Education Institutions where he also did have different positions in managing the HEIs. He was Steering Board member at University “Ukshin Hoti” later on Vice rector for finances at same university. His experience is wide and not only he has been several times board member in different state owned institutions but also a entrepreneurial spirit by have establishing the companies, making them running and selling to others as a guaranteed positive running businesses. His research is mainly in finances but also in management and sometimes also in education.
Prof. Vjollca Dibra PhD.
Prof. Vjollca Dibra PhD. is Vice-Rector for Academic Issue and Quality Assurance at University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”. She did graduate at Prishtina University, Faculty of Philology where she did finish master studies too. She did her PhD studies at University of Skopje “Sveti Kiril & Metodij”, Philological Faculty “Blazhe Koneski”. She did work at Ministry of Trade and Industry as spokesman, University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti” from 2011 and lately was Dean at Philological Faculty till she was nominated and voted for Vice Rector at UGJFA. She has many papers published but also worked in many projects of EU but also as a HE expert with HERAS.
Msc. Denis Spahija PhDc.
Mr Spahija is the Officer for International Cooperation at the University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani” since 2014. He obtained his Bachelor degree from the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Business, University of Prishtina and a Masters dégrée in Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development from the Faculty of Economics, University of Prishtina (2010-2012). This Msc programme was developed as part of the Tempus project 145061-TEMPUS-2008-UK-JPHES Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia. Currently doing his doctoral studies at State University of Tetova – North Macedonia. Mr Spahija worked at VTC “Gjon Nikollë Kazazi” (2008-2011) as a teacher for three years, where his duties included teaching, organizational responsibilities and design (promotion, participating in different programs etc). From 2011 to date he became an assistant at the University College “Biznesi” in Gjakova, teaching Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. He then became Coordinator of Academic Affairs, Head of the Career Advisory Board, and continued to work there till late 2018. During 2012 Mr Spahija worked at the Kosovo Management Institute as Manager for non-formal education, and conducted training needs analyses for different local and national companies and/or institutions, organizing more than 30 training programs in the region in Albania, Macedonia and Turkey for different Government Institutions. He has a good experience in Erasmus+ projects and was contact point of EUFORIA, Project No. 561695-EPP-1- 2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP and actually is for DRIVE, ResearchCult and QUADIC Erasmus+ Projects.
University of Prishtina
Short description of the University
The University of Prishtina was established in 1970. It is the biggest higher education institution in the country, with 42.006 students, above 1.000 academic staff, and around 350 administrative staff members. University offers 142 study programs, in 3 study cycles (Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate).
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FECE), as a project partner, is one of the 13 academic units of the university. With a half-century of academic tradition in teaching/learning and research, as of today, FECE has > 2000 students, while teaching process is supported by 80 academic staff, full time and part time. Faculty, in country and regional level, is known for:
- Comparable study programs with European Universities – Evaluation from International experts
- High percentage of alumni employment. Cooperation with industry and other universities. Industrial Advisory Board
- Publications in international indexed scientific journals and conferences (ISI, Scopus, IEEE)
- Mandatory ECTS credited Internship. Mobility opportunities for staff and students. ECTS transfer and recognition
- Successful implementation of research and capacity building projects
- Implementing Bologna Action Lines since 2001
- Successful alumni, considered as main development drivers of the Electrical and Computer Engineering sector
- Role of the University in this project
FECE strategic orientation is to further develop research and innovation capacities. With the project implementation we aim to:
- Enhance the staff capacities and their methodologies so that they effectively equip the graduate level students with the skills to conduct independent research
- Enhance the mentors’ capacities to effectively guide the students in their research activity
- Enhance the research capacities of the academic and managerial staff through study visits and tailored trainings
- Strengthen the managerial capacities for research activities and innovation at faculty level by setting dedicated research and innovation support structures
- Promote research excellence and innovation at faculty, university, national and international level
Staff involved in the project: photo and short BIO
The staff involved in the project implementation has expertise on:
- Producing and publishing in international peer review journal and conferences. Publications in ISI (Clarivate’s) and Scopus indexed journals and IEEE conferences
- Joint research thesis mentoring with peers from international universities. Experience on supervision of graduate level research work.
- Preparation and management of research projects. Staff involved in project serves as reviewers for international indexed journals.
- Drafting the different university and national wide legislation acts that regulate research work such as: Regulation on doctoral studies, National Qualification Level 8 indicators, Regulation on promotion of university staff based on research productivity etc.
- Managing the Research sector at university and faculty level.
- Managing EU capacity building projects.
Contact Person
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Mimoza Ibrani
E-mail: [email protected]
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Prishtina
Mimoza Ibrani has 16 years of experience in university teaching and research. She has a PhD in ICT field and is author of several publications in international journals and conferences. Currently she holds the position of the Vice Rector at UP. She served for 5 years as Director of Academic Development Office contributing on developing: Research support policies, Quality Assurance for teaching and research, ECTS guidelines, policies for bridging the gap industry-academy and student support services. On period 2012-2020 she was the Vice Dean for academic issues at Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She served as a coordinator for a few research and higher education capacity building international projects. She serves as a reviewer for international scientific journals and has experience on supervising master and PhD students.
Mimoza Ibrani is a member of Project Steering Committee.
Isak Shabani has 18 years of experience in university teaching and research. He has a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering and is author of several publications in international journals and conferences. He is an Associate Professor, currently he holds the position of the Dean of Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UP. He served for 12 years as Director of Information technology at UP. His research interests include Distributed systems, Web services, HCI, Systems design and ICT in Education. He was the author and leader of the most important project at the UP “Digitalization of academic and administrative services”. For four years, he was the representative of the UP in the European Distance and e-Learning Network. Coordinator and member of several science and education capacity-building projects under Tempus, Erasmus+ framework and Horizon 2020. He serves as a reviewer for international scientific journals.
Isak Shabani is a member of Project Quality Committee.
Hëna Maloku Berzati received the B.Sc. degree in Telecommunication from Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FECE), University of Prishtina, in 2008, and the M.Sc. degree in Telecommunications form the University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in 2011. From 2008 to 2010 she was project coordinator for “Enhancing Telecommunication Education in Kosovo” joint project with FECE and University of Pittsburgh. Since 2013, she is Coordinator for Academic Development at faculty level. She finished her Ph.D. studies at FECE in May 2019. She spent one year, between April 2014 and April 2015, as a graduate researcher at the City University of London, U.K. under the supervision of Prof.Dr. Muttukrishnan Rajarajan. In February 2020, she was elected assistant professor for a group of ICT courses in the Telecommunications department at FECE. She has authored and co-authored several ISI journal and conference papers. She has been member of several scientific projects at FECE and currently is participating in three ongoing scientific projects, including “Developing Research and Innovation Capacities in Albania and Kosovo”, Erasmus + projects supported by EU where she serves as Project Management Committee member.
University official website
Politecnico di Milano
University Profile
Politecnico di Milano (also known as Polytechnic University of Milan, hereinafter PoliMi) is a leading Italian scientific-technological university, specialized in the education of Engineering, Architecture and Design. Founded in 1863, Politecnico di Milano is recently ranked in the 1st place in Italy and the 149th place in the world according to the QS rankings 2020. It currently has 46,324 enrolled students, 1,430 teaching staff and 1,233 technical administrative staff organized in 12 departments.
As a partner in the DRIVE project, the School of Management (SOM) of Politecnico di Milano is the union of two institutions: the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering (DIG) and MIP Graduate School of Business (MIP). While DIG carries out research activities, as well as providing education on Bachelor of science, Master of science and PhD programmes; MIP offers courses on specialized masters, executive MBA, corporate education and professional training.
SOM offers 30 degree-programmes to almost 5,000 students – a quarter of them are international programmes. The School has achieved excellent results in research, with 170 Scopus-indexed publications in 2018 of which 91 are on first quartile journals. The School pays high attention to practitioners, and the value of Politecnico is in its strong network of partnerships both with private companies and with the Public Administration. SOM has been in part of more than 200 projects in 2019, involving 2,000 partners.
Role of PoliMi in the DRIVE Project
In the DRIVE project, PoliMi will be primarily taking the lead on WP5 responsible for the establishment of the research and innovation network. It will actively contribute to the development of WP4 on developing institutional capacities for research, organizing one workshop on outlining the job description for the Innovation support structures. Furthermore, it will also support the development of other work packages, attending meetings and producing materials. PoliMi will collaborate with the other institutions in order to guarantee the success of the DRIVE project and to share and enrich its research and education network.
Staff involved in the project
Margherita Pero
Margherita Pero, Ph.D. is Associate Professor at Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. She teaches Business processes reengineering, and operations and supply chain management at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano. She is director of FlexEMBA program at MIP – Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business. In 2009, she got a PhD at Politecnico di Milano with a thesis dealing with new product development and supply chain management processes alignment. Her main research interests are related to production planning, supply chain design and management, and supply chain management-new product development coordination.
Federica Ciccullo
Federica Ciccullo, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano (School of Management) where she teaches Quality management and Trends in Food Industry. She is a Researcher for the Osservatorio Food Sustainability (Osservatori Digital Innovation – Politecnico di Milano). She received her Ph.D. with distinction at the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering (Politecnico di Milano) with a thesis entitled: “Sustainable supply chain strategy deployment: achieving strategic fit with sustainability”. Her research interests are in the field of Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Food Sustainability and Circular economy.
Jinou Xu
Jinou (Valentina) Xu is a PhD candidate at the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. She holds a double MSc degree in Management Engineering and a double BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering. Her primary research interest focuses on the employment of big data analytics in supply chain planning and the managerial implications, while she also carries out studies on supply network relationship in new product development projects. She serves as teaching assistant and delivers lectures for courses on Supply chain management and Production management at Bachelor and Master level.
Antonio Masi
Antonio Masi is a PhD. candidate at the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. He holds a MSc. in Management Engineering and a BSc. in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. His PhD. research project concerns variety management of product-service systems in engineer-to-order contexts. He is also interested in the transformation of operations and supply chain management practices due to the development of Industry 4.0 technologies, particularly in the machinery and agri-food industries. He is also teaching assistant of Quality Management and Business Process Engineering at bachelor level.
Contact Person
Margherita Pero, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Politecnico di Milano
Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Via Lambruschini 4/b 20156 Milano – Italy
Tel. (+39) 02 2399 2819
Email: [email protected]
University Official Website
Politecnico di Milano:
School of Management:
Universum College
Universum College (UC) is a centre for scholarship, research, and creative activity involving the creation, testing, and dissemination of knowledge, understanding, expressions, and techniques. UC aims to provide education and training to enable individuals to realize their full potential. As a private university, UC has a particular responsibility to address societal issues and needs through scholarship, research, and creative activity. The faculty aims to enhance the level of education offered and improve the teaching/learning environments. UC strives for excellence in fulfilling its central and primary purposes of teaching, scholarship, and research and places particular emphasis on the quality of teaching. UC is among the richest education institutions in terms of international partners and collaborations; within its international network there are prominent partners such as London School of Economics, Chichester College, Tallin University of Technology, Middlesex University, European University of Tirana, Kadir Has Universitesi, Middle East Technical University, and many more. UC has three campuses around Kosovo and the organisation currently is consisted of more than 200 highly qualified staff members.
The Universum College mission is building upon the following strategic pillars:
– Student and Learning at the Center;
– Quality Improvement;
– Innovation and Entrepreneurship;
– Digital Transformation;
– Internationalization;
One of the most significant pillar in UC is the internationalization as it enables us to be in compliance with the changes and bring all the benefits of unity and cooperation to our students and staff. Internationalization enables us to exchange, learn and teach the best practices in education, culture, customs and places. Thus far, UC has 78 Credit Mobility agreements and 6 active Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education projects. Our institution has more KA1 and KA2 projects than the majority of HEIs in Kosovo.
Role of the Uni in this project
The activities that will be held at Universum College aim to establishing a centre and building human capacities that promote and implement best practices on institutional level to produce quality research. The activities will start with trainings of staff to prepare and manage competitive research and also combined with skills and effective strategies for fundraising. People involved in the project implementation will also be part of leadership skills that are important aspect of running a successful centre.
Universum will lead the work package for ensuring the highest quality possible during the project implementation.
- Staff involved in the project:
Gezim Turkeshi – Gezim Turkeshi is a professor of marketing and entrepreneurship in the business department at Universum College. Mr. Turkeshi completed his bachelor’s degree at Rochester Institute of Technology in Pristina in Business Management and Media and Graphic Communication.
He completed his master’s degree at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in a master’s program in applied research in business and economics with a concentration in entrepreneurship. He completed his PhD in 2018 at the same university in marketing strategy and consumer behavior. Of interest in the research spectrum are market segmentation, brand personality, customer loyalty and growth of new ventures. Furthermore, Mr. Turkeshi has experience in many fields and has worked in various companies in Kosovo and Spain.
Astrit Rexhepi – Professor Astrit Rexhepi did his MPhil / PhD studies at the School of Electronics and Physical Sciences, Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, University of Surrey, Guildford United Kingdom, in the field of Computer Vision under the supervision of Professor Emeritus Azriel Rosenfeld ( from The University of Maryland, College Park, USA), Professor Farzin Mokhtarian and Professor Josef Kittler ( from The University of Surrey). For three years in row he has ben Research Assistant of the Rabin Professor Emeritus Azriel Rosenfeld in the Center for Automation Research of the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland at College Park (USA). Afterwards, he continued with his research ideas and collaborations with Professor Emeritus Herman Chernoff at Harvard University and MIT. Currently, he is working as Professor at LSE in Data Science program of the University of London and is strongly involved
in the Mathematical Modelling of Psychological events in the Global Financial Systems.
Armend Berisha – Armend has been professionally involved in education leadership for six years where he developed his interests to working on creating thoughtful educational environments that ensure student growth and optimize student success, thus, maximizing the educational impact for students and society. Currently, he is leading and designing the Strategy for Student Success at Universum College, a strategy that aims to assist and support students from unprivileged backgrounds to succeed in college and acquire the benefits that the higher education diploma intends to provide.
Contact person:
Gentiana Berisha – [email protected]
Univeristy official website:
Aalborg University
Aalborg University (AAU) is a young university with only 40 years of history. Since its establishment in 1974, AAU has been characterised by a problem-based and project-oriented teaching method (PBL) – also called the Aalborg Model, and by extensive collaboration with the surrounding society. Despite the fact that AAU is a fairly young university, it is already ranking amongst the best and most acknowledged international universities in the world. Aalborg University strives to better its position for the future by constantly raising the bar in order to maintain a strong learning curve. AAU awards Bachelors, Master’s, Ph.D. and Doctoral degrees in various fields within the different programmes, institutes and centres. Aalborg University employs more than 4,600 staff of which more than 2,900 are academic staff. More than 20.000 students are enrolled at Aalborg University. The main teaching and study form at AAU is problem based and project organised learning (PBL). This “Aalborg PBL Model” builds bridges between the various approaches to teaching, research and innovation, and it connects students and researchers. Studies are characterised by problemsolving groupwork centered on authentic projects, often solved in cooperation with the business world. Besides giving the students the chance to apply theory to real-life issues, PBL provide graduates with unique problem solving competences.
Department of Materials and Production is a wide-ranging research and educational environment, with the mission of meeting future demands for new materials and production systems by directing the entire value chain, from basic material understanding, materials’ applications in mechanical constructions, to industrial production and management. Knowledge building is based on strategic and application-oriented research with a generic character. The research and teaching of the department is oriented towards production conditions in the private and public sector and contain elements such as production, materials science, logistics, IT, organisation, product development, automation, mechanics and management.
The Aalborg University will contribute to the training of academic staff and support the process of eveloping research policies and codes of research at the Partner Country universities. AAU will contribute to the organisation of the RISS at the Partner Country universities and to the running of training sessions for RISS staff. AAU will have important role on the WP2 «Develop new teaching and mentoring methodologies that enhance studnets’ research skills» as Co-lead together with PUT. AAU will contribute to the dissemination activities and quality evaluation of the project.
Kjeld Nielsen, associate professor, Steering Committee Member, has a PhD in Mass Customization, is responsible for daily operation as study coordinator and participate in accreditation and re-accreditation process with master study programs. He has before he started his academic career a long successfully career in the private sector as entrepreneur and management, with high experiences in collaboration across organizations, countries, and cultures.
Thomas Ditlev Bruno, associate professor, Quality Committee Member, holds a Ph.D. in product configuration and product modelling. His primary research interests are mass customization, product modelling, information modelling, product configuration, product architecture, modularity and sustainability issues related to mass customization and modularity. He has extensive experience teaching and supervising using the Problem Based Learning Paradigm.
Stig Brink Taps, associate professor, part-time, Management Committee Member, holds Ph.D in configuration of manufacturing processes and primary research in configuration of international sustainable manufacturing firms. He has extensive experience teaching and supervision using the Problem Learning Paradigm. Before his academic career he have extensive international management experience.
Contact Person
Kjeld Nielsen
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +45 9940 8969
Mobile: +45 4052 0052