Project details
Programme: Erasmus+
Action: Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project reference number: 574050-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
Project title: Developing Research and Innovation Capacities in Albania and Kosovo
Project acronym: DRIVE
Duration: 3 years (15/10/2019-15/10-2022)
Co-ordinator: Polis University
Rr. Bylis 12, Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km 5, Kashar
Postal Kode 1051, Tirana, Albania.
Phone: + 355 (0) 4 240 74 20 / 240 74 21; Fax: + 355(0) 4 240 74 22
The project aims at developing the capacities of HEIs in Albania and Kosovo, both countries pertaining to region 1 – Western Balkans, to improve their research and innovation performance.
Besides the traditional training activities such as workshops and study visits, the project foresees establishing new structures in 4 HEIs that will focus research and innovation adopting an inter-disciplinary approach and eventually a close cooperation with partners from businesses and industry in line with the quadruple helix goals.
Additionally the openness of HEIs towards other partners, local and international, will be further enhanced through the development of a network, supported also by a virtual platform that will ease the interaction and synergy among the members.
Dedicated offices for research and innovation or networks for such purpose may be long due and not something new to developed countries, but for this region and for these two countries in specific, characterized by a low trust environment and a highly fragmented eco-system where cooperation, coordination and synergies are scarce, the deliverables of the project constitute a novelty.
- Objectives and target Groups
Project Characteristics and Objectives
The general objective of this project is to contribute in the development of the research and innovation capacities of HEIs in Albania and Kosovo by enhancing their institutional capabilities, staff skills and networking.
Specifically, the project intends to:
- Enhance the teachers’ capacities and their methodologies so that they effectively equip the students (graduate level and beyond) with the skills to conduct independent research.
- Enhance the mentors’ capacities to effectively guide the students in their research activity.
- Enhance the research capacities of the academic and managerial staff through study visits and tailored trainings.
- Strengthen the managerial capacities for research activities and innovation in institutional level by setting or strengthening dedicated research and innovation support structures (RISS).
- Promote research excellence and innovation by developing a network that eases the interdisciplinarity and cooperation among local and international actors.
Target Groups in the project
- HEIs in Albania and Kosovo, local or international businesses and industries
The network will be also supported by a virtual platform will foster the cooperation for research and innovation within the HEIs but also with other partners (also from industry)
- Master and PhD Students / Lecturers / Mentors
Enhance students’ capacities for independent research. The methodologies will be included in the syllabi of the study programs impacting teaching and mentoring during and after the lifespan of the project. The students, especially in Master and Doctoral level are identified as a target group that needs to improve their capabilities to conduct independent research. The project has planned trainings for the lecturers and mentors of these students, so that the methodologies they use are appropriate to equip them with research skills.
- Research Management, Researchers
The various training materials and the manual that will be published will disseminate the project results even beyond the project termination. The researchers themselves need to improve their skills in terms of researching and writing good quality papers, publish in reputable journals, and acquire knowledge on aspects such as Intellectual Property Rights, Research Ethics and Code of Conduct, etc.
- HEIs, researchers, management, administrative staff, local and regional businesses and industry
Research and Innovation Support Structures (RISS) will officially and formally become integral part of the institution with dedicated staff and infrastructure