
WP 2

Develop new teaching and mentoring methodologies that enhance students’ research skills

The objective of this Work Package is to strengthen the students’ research skills for conducting independent research and for making critical reviews of others’ research, in order to contribute creatively in solving problems based on research.

In order to reach this, the initial activities are related with academic capacities, such as strengthen research capacities and develop teaching methodologies. Then comes the evaluation of research capacities through the development of quality assurance indicators. As a third part is the validation of the developed courses/ methodologies through the students’ evaluation, Alumni and partners from industry.

New forms of learning in research work will be put into operation. The partnerships require flexible networking and boundary crossing in ever-changing collaborative settings in which no single actor has a fixed authority. Groups of teachers and specialists work together. So, in this context, working face-to-face is essential and requires mobility.

The lead partners, Aalborg University and Polytechnic University of Tirana will share tasks between them, even though all tasks will follow a linear pattern: Workshops, Study visits, Reflective seminar and Virtual seminars, which are the milestones to make sure that the project proceeds as scheduled. 60 lecturers and mentors from 6 Partner Country Institutions will be trained on new teaching and mentoring methods; 18 new teaching methods (3 new methodologies in each partner country Institution will be developed). Given that the Institutions from the partner countries have different profiles, only the number of new methodologies for each partner is set as an indicator, leaving flexibility in determining the type, based on the profile and the needs.  Guidelines on research mentorship will be developed during the second training as well validated and implemented by 6 HEIs; validation and publication of methodologies by students’ evaluation is also an important task of this WP.


2.1. Training workshop on teaching methodologies;

2.2. Training workshop on mentoring research students;

2.3. Publish guideline for research mentoring;

2.4. Validation of new methodologies by students’ evaluation