

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Drive project continue their work in planning future steps and activities! Drive Partners had an online management meeting on 31 of March 2020 discussing project implementation state of arts and coordinate on the ways to address the impact of the current situation on the progress of the activities.  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”478″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

WP 8

Project Management The coordinator is responsible for efficient project coordination, but a basic precondition for a successful project management and sustainability is the willingness of the consortium partners to retain the project’s objectives a high-level priority, to cooperate and to amend their organizational structure/ institutional guidelines accordingly. Partners actively participate in all meetings and activities, […]

WP 7

Dissemination and Exploitation This WP aims to gather key stakeholders around DRIVE agenda and ensure that all project outputs and results are transferred outside the partnership and disseminated and used in the most effective way. In order to achieve such objective, transparent instruments of communication will be used, as well as adequate and timely inclusion […]

WP 6

Quality Monitoring and Control WP6, led by UC, is dedicated to ensuring the highest quality during the project implementation. The WP6 implies utilizing internal and external mechanisms to produce deliverables that indicate the quality of the project implementation. Internal mechanisms for quality control: -The Project Quality Committee (PQC) – The initial deliverable consists on creating […]

WP 5

Establish Network of Research Excellence WP5 aims to initiate a process of intensive collaboration among HEIs of the region in the areas of research and innovation. The project team will play the role of catalysts to facilitate the synergies in research and innovation. WP5 foresees workshops and joint work among consortium members in the region. […]

WP 4

Develop Institutional Capacities for Research WP4 aims to address one of the shortcomings identified during the need’s analysis on country and institutional level: the need for coordinating structures that have processes and procedures in place to support research and innovation within each institution. The poor performance of Albania and Kosovo in terms of R&D and […]

WP 3

Enhance staff capacity for research In this Work package various approaches to strengthening research capacity will be taken, including improving the capacity of individual researchers through training courses, supporting collaborative partnerships and developing research leadership skills. The aim of the proposed activities is to enhance the abilities of individuals, and institutions, to undertake and disseminate […]

WP 2

Develop new teaching and mentoring methodologies that enhance students’ research skills The objective of this Work Package is to strengthen the students’ research skills for conducting independent research and for making critical reviews of others’ research, in order to contribute creatively in solving problems based on research. In order to reach this, the initial activities […]

WP 1

Define project mng structures and action plan Description In the Kick-off Meeting the consortium will formalize the conditions and the rules behind the cooperation in the partnership agreement which will be discussed and signed by the partners. The Partnership Agreements, as guided by EACEA, are individual contracts with each of the partners with specific tasks, […]